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Top Ten Activities To Do When In Lockdown From Coronavirus

Writer: B-ManB-Man

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

Many of us are already in lockdown from the Coronavirus but that doesn't mean that we just have to sit on our backsides and be bored. There are plenty of fun things to do whilst we are stuck at home, here are our top ten activities to do whilst in lockdown.

10. Coming in at number 10 is the most boring activity on the list, organising and cleaning out stuff at home. This is a perfect opportunity to put all your DVD's in their correct cases, clean out that draw that has a bunch of unnecessary crap in it. Maybe you could even go through your wardrobe and sort out the clothes you don't wear anymore and put them aside for donation to the needy.

9. Head into the clouds? Sit outside or by the window and look at the sky... bear with me here. During the day it is quite therapeutic to sit back and stare at the clouds as we watch them go by, there are 3 types of clouds, do you know what they are? Learn them. Often clouds make shapes of animals and other things, let your imagination run wild.

In the evenings you can finally learn the names of the stars and find out where the star constellations are. Do you know where Orion's belt and the teapot are? Where is that damn milkyway? And where is your personal star sign in the sky? Learn them here

8. Do you remember throwing planes as a kid? Fold the perfect paper plane and then have a competition with your family to find out who has the champion plane. This video should get you started.

7. Art Time! You can travel back to your childhood and have some fun with a colouring in book or if you have a little more talent you can draw or paint your own creations. You could even paint something around the house to give it a fresh new look!

There is also calligraphy, it looks tricky but perhaps you can master it with the help of a youtube video.

6. Mindfulness meditation. Don't knock it until you try it people! It is super easy to do and an awesome way to reduce your stress levels, which may be high in crazy times like this. You pretty much just have to lie down on your bed or sit in a chair and listen to a guided meditation which are free on youtube. Jason Stephenson has some excellent free ones to choose from, check them out.

5. Music is awesome and you have so many options here. If there is an instrument around the house you could practice it or learn to play it. You can also sing with people from around the world with the karaoke app "Smule", I love it and have even made overseas friends whilst singing on it.

If singing and playing an instrument isn't your thing you can always just play some of your favourite albums, music has a way of transporting our minds to a different and happier time when there was less Coronavirus around.

4. Learn something new! have you ever wanted to learn a new language such as Spanish or French? There are online courses for so many different things these days including Aerospace, Video Games and Science Fiction. Here are 12 free online courses.

Or you could finally get around to making your own website, it is actually really easy and you can just point, drag and click. Link to make a free website is at the top of the page.

3. Puzzles. It may sound boring but there is nothing more satisfying than completing a jigsaw puzzle or a crossword. You can do one by yourself or if in isolation with others you can make it a team effort. Just give this one a crack, you will be suprised how addictive it can be.

Games. Ok, so we know the obvious games such as monopoly and cards, both can end in fisticuffs so be careful ;) You have plenty of time to kill now so why not learn to play chess? You can actually play against people of your own ability from beginner to expert at

2. Casino Fun. None of us can actually go to Vegas at the moment, so why not kill some time trying to strike it big online. Gambling is great fun, especially when you win, but make sure that you only bet money which you can afford to lose! Bet responsibly and make sure that you choose a reputable online casino such as Bit Starz.

1. Coming in at number one is the most important and fun thing you can do at a time like this. Connect with friends on the phone and skype. Get in touch with those old friends you haven't had the time to contact because of your busy lifestyle, now is the perfect time to give them a call and I'm sure they will be happy to hear from you.

They say that just before people die, we wish that we spent more time connecting with our friends and family, now is a perfect opportunity to cultivate our relationships.

Take care everyone, stay safe, stay home and Keep Laughing Forever! Share this list with your friends to keep them busy and happy during this crazy period in time.

Check out our TOP TEN CORONAVIRUS JOKES. These lockdown jokes are guaranteed to get a chuckle out of you



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