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Writer's pictureB-Man

Top Ridiculously Funny Garbage Man Pranks

Believe it or not, there are a whole bunch of hilarious pranks out there involving trash and garbage men. We have put together the funniest of these trashy pranks to provide you with some belly laughs.

Boy dressed as rubbish bin prank

First up we have 12 year old Nathan Fretter and his dad Martin from Northampshire in the UK.

Martin has worked as a garbage man for 25 years. He is a man who loves humour and in his own words he told The Sun "I always try to make people laugh and I like do zany things with my kids,".

To prepare for this prank Martin took a regular run bin and cut dome holes in it so that his son Nathan could basically wear the bin and run away from the trash collector. Watch how the prank pans out below.

Next garbage prank we have for you takes us all the way to Lebanon and is performed by the guys at "HowaboutBeirut" .Their goal is "to alter the perception of Lebanon through our style of comedy in contrast to what it is being portrayed to the world through the biased mass media."

In this prank, one of the guys at HowAboutBeirut camouflages himself in actual trash as opposed to a bin and give some of the local people from the capital of Lebanon a good laugh and quite the surprise as well!

Watch below

One of the first on the garbage prank train was The Royal Stampede who are a couple of Aussies that love a good prank or two. They did this garbage prank really well 2013 and added their own flair to it as you can see in the video below.

Ok, so SparkTV Prank in Korea decided that this style of prank was pretty funny and decided to see how their locals would react to a walking, talking pile of garbage.

They get some pretty funny reactions too! How would you react if you were walking past a bunch of garbage and it started jumping towards you?

Watch the prank on Korean streets below.

There certainly are more of these pranks out there but these are our favourites. If you are a fan of pranks and want to prank your own friends or family, our pranks page will be right up your alley.

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