A young man by the name of Cade Tarchick, from Georgia, US, thought he would tackle the challenge of chugging down can full can of sparkling water without burping.
In the now extremely viral TikTok video which currently has over 26 million hits, Cade proclaims "Your man might have the Star Wars Lego set Death Star but can he can chug a sparkling water and not burp?"
He then gets straight down to business and takes one serious swig of his sparkling water but things don't go exactly as he had planned..
Watch below
As you can see in the video, things didn't really pan out as Cade had hoped and not only did he end up spitting out most of the sparkling water but he also managed to absolutely smack his head on the garage door in the background.
Well, we hope that Cade is ok and now realises that sparking water is best enjoyed when consumed at a slow to moderate rate. Any faster than this and your tummy is going to turn into a trampoline and bounce that water straight back up and out your mouth.
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