On the 23rd March 2021 a boat "The Ever Given" got stuck on the Suez Canal in Egypt which has provided the internet with many jokes and memes about the incident.
Boats get stuck and become beached all the time so what is the big deal with this boat?
The container ship that became stuck is the "Ever Given" and it is massive! The boat weighs a whopping 220,000 tons and is 1,300 feet long. The boat is literally as big as the Empire State Building.
We have put together a compilation of the best jokes and memes about the Ever Given. Let's get right into them.
It has been a tough year I think we can all agree.
2. A joke for the bookworms out there.
3. Covid has us feeling low but this Ever Given meme has us laughing
4. There is even a song going around about the Suez Canal incident. Have a listen below.
5. That feeling when you have a lot on your desk.
6. Balloons, is there anything that they can't fix?
7. NASA to the rescue! Call in the rockets to solve the problem!
8. Godzilla vs King Kong vs The Ever Given. A blockbuster waiting to happen.
9. Just 2 dudes and a digger saving our economy.
10. Gotta hate those mobile ads. Lucky we don't bombard you with them on our website"Keep Laughing Forever". Laughter first, ads second!
11. Anyone else currently got a truckload of covid debt?
12. All this time all we needed was some WD40 to lube things up and get that ship moving again.
13. When your to do list gets the better of you.
14. Johnson & Johnson to the rescue!!!
15. When bets with the captain get out of control!
16. Don't worry, Vladimir Putin is to the rescue!
17. Lego, is there anything that it can't do?
18. Nothing gets past the Durex brand, nothing.
19. Who remembers UNO? Whoever created this classic meme sure does.
20. Pirates of The Suez Canal!!! Run Jack Sparrow, run!!
Ok people, no more jokes about the Suez Canal boat, that ship has sailed.
We hope you enjoyed our list of jokes and memes from the Suez Canal incident. This humorous ship incident is exactly what we all needed.
More weird and funny stories here.