Check out our collection of Bruce Lee jokes that we have put together to make you laugh your nunchucks off. Yes, we all know that Chuck Norris jokes are really funny but Bruce Lee jokes are hilarious too!
Did you hear about Bruce Lee's vegetarian brother?
Did you hear about Bruce Lee's older and faster brother?
What is Bruce Lee's favourite drink of choice?
Bruce Lee throws a grenade and kills 40 people, then the grenade blows up.
Do you know why there are so many Chuck Norris jokes but not many Bruce Lee ones?
Because Bruce Lee is no joke.
What do you call Bruce Lee after he has been punched a few times?
Bruise Lee
Donkey from Shrek is able to get inside Bruce Lee's defence.
Because he entered the dragon.
Did you hear about when Bruce Lee went to the hospital and sat in the waiting room for 3 hours before his appointment?
He was waiting patient Lee.
Did you know that Bruce Lee has a brother that works with numbers and graphs all day as an analyst?
His name is statistic Lee.
Did you know that Bruce Lee has a brother is is unable to lie?
Honest Lee.
Which big furry animal is Bruce Lee's favourite?
The Grizz Lee
Did you hear about the hilarious but extremely short pun that Bruce Lee told?
It was a one inch pun.
Did you hear about the western movie that Bruce Lee made?
Enter The Wagon.
Did you hear about Bruce Lee's extremely tall brother?
His name was High Lee.
Bruce Lee was walking down the street and was arrested for carry concealed weapons.
Apparently he had his hands in his pockets.
What is Bruce Lee's favourite burger to order at Burger King?
Which Hotel does Bruce Lee always choose to stay at?
What is the difference between a disc of cheese out of the wrapper and a kung fu legend?
One is loose brie, the other is Bruce Lee.
Did you hear about Bruce Lee's brother that loved eating cereal all day?
What is Bruce Lee's favourite brand of car to drive?
If you did you enjoy these jokes, you may also like our collection of Chuck Norris Jokes.