About Keep Laughing Forever
Hi, I'm B-Man.
I have been battling a chronic illness and been housebound since 2015. With so much spare time on my hands I decided that this was the perfect opportunity for me to learn how to create a website.
I wanted to create a website dedicated to my two favourite things in life, laughter and positivity. The name I came up with speaks for itself "Keep Laughing Forever".
I think we all need a little bit more laughter and positivity in our lives and I have over 40 years experience being a happy and positive person! So I created a website with my favourite jokes and retro music on it plus I made a Facebook page too. Yes, there are even some really really bad cheesy "dad" jokes on here because sometimes the worse the joke, the funnier it is!
Growing up I have always loved making people laugh with a good corny joke@
The blog section has a new post or two each week and these articles are either one of the strangest and funniest stories that you will ever read or the post is another collection of funny jokes. Jokes are both unlimited and never ending which means that you truly can Keep Laughing Forever!
I have a passion for 80's and 90's music so each week I release a radio show on Mixcloud. It has TV Themes, Music, Movies quotes and old jingles. You can listen here. Plus there is now a stream of all the historical shows, you can listen right now, just hit the play button at the top of the screen.
Enjoy people! And Keep Laughing Forever!
​B-Man and George The Monkey

Vegan Jokes